600 S. Yonge St. Street Suite 14A Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Phone: (386) 310-7994 Email: drwolfdc@gmail.com
Office Hours
Let The Twisted Spine help you! Give us a call today to arrange your initial visit.
By Appointment Only
Read the feedback we have received from the patients in our office.
"Dr. Wolf truly loves her profession. She goes above and beyond for her patients."
‐ Adrienne S.
"Thank you Dr. Wolf! No risky surgery could have afforded me such a fast recovery after such a long experience of constant pain!"
‐ Patricia Koerner, RN BSN
"Dr Wolf not only took care of the problems my daughter was having but also gave her ways to help prevent future injuries. "
‐ Lee Cole, RPh
Myth: Always Sit Up Straight
Okay, slouching is bad for your back. But sitting up too straight and still for long periods can also be a strain on the back. If you sit a lot, try this a few times a day: Lean back in your chair with your feet on the floor and a slight curve in your back. Even better: Try standing for part of the day, while on the phone or while reading work materials.